OBI’s Centre for Analytics (CfA) seeks to support innovators from startups and labs with the development and translation to care of novel neuroanalytics technologies.

Project key requirements: 

  • Focus on brain health.
  • 12 months duration. 
  • Develop novel neuroanalytics methods and skills.
  • Make use of multi-modal data, with Brain-CODE data a strong preference. 
  • Have a clear translation plan (e.g., commercialization and/or partnership plan). 
  • Align with patient priorities from OBI’s network of patients and communities. 
  • Identify at least one HQP that will gain skills in neuroanalytics during the project. 
  • Agree to produce Methods Tutorial materials that describe the developed analytical/modelling method and data use in a blog-tutorial type of format (can include Jupyter Notebooks, Git code, etc). 
  • Agree to contribute analytics tools / pipelines or data back to OBI for open access sharing – or have a clear IP plan. 
  • Participate in webinars and in the CfA Community of Practice for neuroanalytics.

Centre for Analytics contribution: 

  • Funding and in-kind for HQP, expenses, and compute on OBI Cloud for a combined amount up to $80,000. 
  • Support with computing on OBI Cloud and access to Brain-CODE data. 
  • Fostering a Community of Practice in neuroanalytics.
  • Support translation strategy and networking.

Note: projects will be required to report on outcomes within the first 12 months. Projects will not receive funding beyond 12 months. Participants can continue to participate in the CfA at a cost-recovery rate for services beyond the allotted amount and agreed-upon timeline. 

Ontario Brain Institute